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BIOS Source code:


SCH & PCB file of the Motherboard:



SCH file of the CPLD:


SCH & PCB file of the VGA card:



SCH & PCB file of the OPL3 card:



User’s Guide:




Pocket8086 is an IBM PC-XT compatible laptop that supports one of the 8086 or 8088 processors, as well as the NEC V20/V30 processor. In addition to the base 640KB memory, it also comes with 128KB UMB memory. Its BIOS uses IBM PC-XT 05/08/86 version, and is pre-installed with DOS6.22 system. If a V20 or V30 processor is installed, it will support Windows3.1

- 8086/8088 CPU with clock frequency of 4.77-10Mhz

- Chipset: 8284/8259/8254/8237

- 768KB RAM

- Replaceable VGA Card (TVGA9000i)

- OPL3 (Yamaha YMF262-M) Sound Card

- 512MB CF Card Storage

- USB Controller (CH375B)

- Seamless Online Switching between 4:3 and 16:9 display ratios. (640x480 / 800x480)

- Built-in Mouse

- PS/2 Keyboard&Mouse

- VGA Output

- OSD/SOSD LCD Control

- Lithium Battery

- External Interface

Introduction to New Features

-  8086CPU support

The 8086 is the world's first x86 CPU, the internal bus and external bus of which are both 16-bit. Historically, there have been very few PC products using 8086 processors, which is because most IO chips are 8-bit. Therefore, it would have been more expensive to build a PC with 8086 at that time, while those using an 8-bit external bus 8088 processor will be more easy.

Pocket8086 can support one of the 8086 or 8088 processors, and it can select the 8086 or 8088 processor installed on the motherboard through jumpers. When an 8086 processor is plugged into the motherboard, the RAM will be accessed in 16-bit mode, which will greatly increase the memory access speed. Regardless of whether an 8086 or 8088 processor is installed on the motherboard, IO will be accessed in an odd-even 8-bit manner, which makes the 8086 processor fully compatible with IBM PCs.

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 -  Upper Memory Blocks

Pocket8086 installs 128KB of memory in the D0000-EFFFF address segment and uses bit2 of IO port 060H as its switch flag. When it is written to 0, UMB is turned on (default). When it is written to 1, the UMB is turned off.

-  VGA

The graphics card uses a TVGA9000 display chip and is equipped with 512KB graphics memory, supporting 640x480x256 color displays.


Pocket8086 uses the slightly modified IBM PC-XT 05/08/86 version BIOS and provides source code. The BIOS is compiled based on the MASM

-  PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse support

Pocket8086 uses serial port 2 as the mouse channel and has a built-in conversion chip to convert external PS/2 mice to serial port mouse protocol. At the same time, the keyboard controller is also connected to serial port 2, so the directional keys on the keyboard can also serve as mouse controllers.

Display Aspect Ratio Switching (4:3 & 16:9): Utilize the OSD menu with Fn+F4 to seamlessly switch between 4:3 (default) and 16:9 display ratios.


(4:3 mode)


(16:9 mode)

-  On-Screen Display (OSD) (Fn+F4)

The advanced OSD feature allows for on-screen overlay of function menus, enabling users to adjust LCD parameters such as brightness, contrast, and color. Additionally, it provides real-time status updates on internal devices and battery level without interrupting PC operations. 

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(Partial functions of OSD)

-  Integrated Mouse Control:

Users can enable the built-in mouse feature without an external PS2 mouse, using keyboard directional keys for navigation. The "?" and "shift" keys function as left and right mouse buttons, respectively.

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